How to mend a broken heart.

Andrea Sevilla
3 min readMar 28, 2021

Right now I’m writing with my heart on my sleeve. I always try to do it, but I’m not gonna lie, there are sometimes that my brain does most of the work and I leave my heart by the side. This time is with my heart I’m writing this. I was feeling lost for a while, and little by little I’m finding my way back. It sucks. It really sucks to go to bed and to not be able to sleep cause there is so much on your mind, so many questions unsolved, so many feelings, so many regrets, so much uncertainty, so much fear for the future.

I used to say life was like a big roller coaster, with it’s ups and downs. Lately I was just feeling the downs and not so much the highs, specially when it was related to love. I’m happy to say that I have found my way back to it by falling in love with life and myself. I have the most reliable friends a girl could ask, I’m surrounded by bad ass women I’m lucky to call my friends and family that have helped me to find my way back.

You know what they say, “it takes a village” and to heal a broken heart it does. That’s why I’ll share with you all the amazing insight I got from really cool and brave girls and boys that decided to share with me their recipes to be whole again.

1. Travel alone.

2. Girls night.

3. Time.

4. The fastest way to get it over for me is to get THROUGH it. Cry and let yourself feel everything.

5. Love your fucking self.

6. Alcohol.

7. By going back to old habits! The series you’ve watched, the songs you used to listen.

8. Friends, nature, wine, songwriting.

9. Meditation and ice cream.

10. Going our with friends.

11. Time.

12. Self love.

13. Exercise, meditation, self love.

14. Close your eyes and jump outside your comfort zone.

15. Traveling, music and beer.

16. Running or a new boyfriend.

17. You lift your head high.

18. Therapy and chocolate.

19. Accept that it’s a time for mourning. TALK ! IT! OUT!

20. Eat.

21. With self love.

22. Time.

23. Time.

24. I allow myself to cry for a few days and then I pull myself together, I concentrate all my energy on myself. Exercise, positive music, keeping my my mind busy.

For me, is all about the process. It’s about knowing I’m allow to feel broken, lost and lonely. To know it will take some time to heal but in the end it will get better. That there will always be something that will remind me of that special someone: a place, a song, a scent and it will hurt and that there will also be days were I don’t even remember them at all and that is okay too. For me, the best way to heal a broken heart is by choosing yourself first. The other day, I sat down and wrote a list of what are the things I want in life in general, not just romanticly, but more of a general idea of what the fuck I want in this life. I wrote down several things, and from there everything was just so much easier. Once you know what you want, and decide you will work towards achieving it things will start falling into place, and not just things, people too. For me it was the way to let go of someone, not because of him, but because of me. And even tho I was letting someone go, choosing me made me feel free.

Life works in mysterious ways. And us as humans we work in mysterious ways too. We function in different ways and we react to life in ways we can’t begin to comprehend. What could work for you, might not do it for me. But one thing I have come to realise is that we all want the same thing in the end. To love and to be loved in return.We all are going through some deep shit that no one knows about, but we all are trying our best. My heart is not fully broken, it has scars but it’s stronger and like my mom just told me on the phone 5 min ago: “those scars are a reminder of how strong you are and all the lessons you have learned, be proud of them”.

Special thanks to everyone who shared with me how to glue back together a broken heart, you guys are the real MVP here.





Andrea Sevilla

I am a hopeless romantic always looking for the next big thing. My life is always changing because of it. Here, is the only constant of my life: writing. xo A