I finally did it

Andrea Sevilla
3 min readMar 30, 2024

Today marked the day I finally updated my LinkedIn profile. It might sound like a simple and ordinary task, but as I sat down to tackle it, I found myself dealing with lots of questions for which I didn’t have easy answers. It was this uncertainty that had led me to procrastinate such a seemingly straightforward task for so long…

As I navigated through the process of updating my profile, I couldn’t help but confront the multitude of uncertainties that surfaced. Questions about my career trajectory, professional identity, and even my aspirations seemed to loom over me with every keystroke. What image of myself did I want to present to the professional world? How did I want to be perceived by potential employers? What would my ex-colleagues and friends would say? These were just a few of the many questions that swirled in my mind as I filled in the blanks and polished my digital resume.

What struck me the most during this process was the realization that updating my LinkedIn profile wasn’t just about adding a few bullet points or tweaking my job title. For me, this was a moment of introspection, a chance to confront my own insecurities and doubts about my career path. Each section I completed forced me to confront the question: Am I where I want to be professionally? And if not, where do I want to go from here?

Once again, I found myself facing questions to which I didn’t have immediate answers. So, I decided to start with the easy ones and work from there. Am I where I want to be professionally? No. Do I want to revisit past experiences? No. I continued in this manner until I finally settled on something I didn’t entirely dislike: Strategic executive support | Luxury hospitality & fashion | Ready to elevate elite destinations. I think I can work with that…

In a world where our online presence often serves as a digital reflection of ourselves, the pressure to curate the perfect profile can feel overwhelming at times. I’m no longer only talking about LinkedIn but Instagram, TikTok, and any other platforms. Today, for example, updating your LinkedIn profile isn’t just about listing your achievements; it’s about crafting a narrative that tells the story of who you are professionally and where you’re headed. And for someone like me, who tends to overanalyze every decision and second-guess every choice, this task proved to be more daunting than I had anticipated.

But as I tweaked the headline on my LinkedIn profile, I realized that even life-changing decisions, like altering my career trajectory from executive assistant in the tech sector to someone ready to tackle the luxury hospitality and fashion sector, can be adjusted just as easily. This shift in perspective felt like uncovering a superpower I had yet to fully harness. I understood that I call the shots in my life, capable of adjusting it according to the new Andrea who is continuously reinventing herself, with my evolving preferences, aspirations, and dreams. While this might seem obvious to some, for me, it marked a profound turning point…

Also amidst the uncertainty and self-doubt, there were moments of clarity and insight. As I updated my skills and experiences, I couldn’t help but feel a sense of pride in how far I had come. Each new addition to my profile served as a reminder of the hard work and dedication that had brought me to this point in my career. And while the future may still be uncertain, there’s a certain comfort in knowing that I’m taking steps in the right direction, one LinkedIn update at a time.

So, while I was not supposed to take any major decisions this chill rainy Saturday afternoon, updating my LinkedIn profile proved to be a journey of self-discovery and reflection. It’s a reminder that sometimes, even the smallest of tasks can hold the key to unlocking deeper insights about ourselves and our aspirations. And as I hit the “Save” button and watched my updated profile go live, I couldn’t help but feel a sense of excitement for the journey that lies ahead.





Andrea Sevilla

I am a hopeless romantic always looking for the next big thing. My life is always changing because of it. Here, is the only constant of my life: writing. xo A