Here’s to the dreamers. May be always be one.

Andrea Sevilla
3 min readFeb 3, 2021

One of the wisest women I know and that I’m lucky to call her my friend, once said:

“In order to let good things come your way, you have to stop holding on to old things”

in spanish sounds better:

“Hay que dejar ir, para dejar llegar”.

That sentence echoed with me for a few days, I couldn’t stop thinking about how true it was and how to me that sounded like the answer to a happy and stress free life.

I decided to let go of the old and let life surprise me with the new.

It sounds easy, but it has been quite a ride.

Since the moment I took the decision of letting go, of trusting that whoever is supposed to be in my life will, and for those who aren’t suppose to be to just let them leave, my life has changed.

Yes, I’m naturally dramatic, but this time I don’t think I’m exaggerating at all.

I don’t know how to explain it.

It’s just like the Universe knows you’re ready to live. To finally experience everything life has to offer and that you have been blocking away.

I’m doing my best to embrace this new way of living, and little by little I feel more like myself and less like who the world wants me to be.

I started doing things I used to love when I was a kid. Simple things, like just stop on my way to work and look at the sky. Or to stop along the way to smell the flowers that are starting to bloom.

To enjoy the rays of sun after a few grey days. I started reading again too, and I realized I forgotten how much I loved the feeling of being completely absorbed in a book that suddenly I forget I’m on the metro and my mind is just where my book is.

It’s just the simple things you know, those little details that if you don’t stop you will miss them but they will make a whole difference in your day to day.

Not everything has been pink and shinny. I have grey days too. Days where I don’t want to go out of bed and I just lay there doubting every decision I’ve made. I allow myself to feel everything, the good and the bad cause that’s what makes me human. I grew up thinking feeling everything too deeply was a blessing and a curse but with time I’ve realized it’s just a blessing. I was texting with another very good friend and reading her, I suddenly knew we are special. We are girls that have stay soft in a harsh world. We believe in the kindness of people, we believe in love, in soulmates, in finding magic in ordinary things. We believe there is something bigger out there for us. And because of this we are able to experience great adventures, once in a lifetime love stories but also we have to deal with broken hearts and disappointments. I wouldn’t change a thing about that. I wouldn’t trade my broken heart cause that heart that is broken once was completely full and about to explode with joy. I wouldn’t trade any of my rush decisions cause they gave me my most fun and unexpected adventures.

So this is for all of the soft people out there, (specially for you P, you know who you are), this is a reminder to keep going, to keep dreaming, to keep fighting, to keep feeling everything deeply. Let’s continue living life with our heart on our sleeve.





Andrea Sevilla

I am a hopeless romantic always looking for the next big thing. My life is always changing because of it. Here, is the only constant of my life: writing. xo A